Sunday 30 January 2011

I'm a German Shepherd

I've just taken the Dogster quiz, which I saw linked from Johann's blog. And I'm a...

German Shepherd!

What dog breed are you? I'm a German Shepherd! Find out at

I had to leave my email address at Dogster to get my results. Here's hoping I don't get a heap of junk mail. I'll be complaining bitterly if I do!


Jess the Dog Shopper said...

I'm going to try this right now! Looks like fun!

curator said...

Oh, I took a quiz like that. I was a Pug "because I like parties." Whatever!

parlance said...

Jess, thanks for pointing me in the direction of this really successful game! One that doesn't need food as a reward!!

parlance said...

Curator, I must keep an eye out for Pug-like people at the next party I attend.